
Thong Chai Institute of Medical Research Flag Day 2024
On November 2, 2024, the Thong Chai Institute of Medical Research (TCIMR) held its annual Flag Day fundraising event, which brought the community together to support a good cause.
This year, more than 150 volunteers joined the event, including 63 students from Dunman High School and Zhonghua Secondary School, 42 external volunteers, and Thong Chai board members, physicians, and staff. The Fundraising Committee visited the schools to explain the importance of the event and thank the students for their support.
Volunteers collected donations at public places like MRT stations and food courts, showing great teamwork and dedication.
By 1 PM, the event ended, and all donation bags were brought to the 3rd-floor hall of the Thong Chai building to be counted. The counting process was carefully managed by board members and external auditors to ensure fairness.
The event raised a total of $69,187.61. After deducting $2,845.75 for expenses, the net amount was $66,341.86. These funds will help support TCIMR’s daily operations, research, and training for Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners.
We sincerely thank all the volunteers, participants, and donors for their kind support. Your generosity helps TCIMR continue its important work!

Mr. Kwa Cheng Song, Chairman of the Organizing Committee and his wife took a group photo with the students from Dunman High School.

Mr. Low Theng Whee, Honorary Secretary of the Board of Directors, took a group photo with the students from Zhonghua Secondary School.

The Board members, physicians, and staff collaborated diligently to ensure the accurate counting of the collected donations.

The participating Board members, including Head of the Medicine Committee Mr. Chan Sen Meng PBM, Vice Chairman Mr. Kwa Soon Yau JP,BBM, and Head of the General Affairs Committee Ms. Ng Puay Cheng (1st row, from left to right), along with physicians and staff, took a group photo upon concluding the event.