About Us
Thong Chai Institute of Medical Research
Thong Chai Institute of Medical Research (TCIMR) is an approved charity organisation, recognised with Institution of a Public Character(IPC) status.
Our missions are
To provide advanced TCM courses to upgrade the professional standards of TCM practitioners in Singapore;
To promote and conduct TCM clinical research

Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
Postgraduate Programmes
The TCIMR Masters’ Degree Programme commenced in 2013 in partnership with Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine with the provision of TCM Masters and PhD education for singapore physicians,

Chinese Medicine Research
In 2014, the Singapore Ministry of Health initiated the TCM Research Grant to encourage TCM-related research for future developments in the hope to improve Singapore’s health system holistically. With a strong belief that research will be able to support better integration of TCM and western medicinal treatment, STCMI has been actively seeking out research opportunities and had been awarded the MOH TCM Research Grant for the following research projects.